About Brangus Gold

Brangus Gold is a value add marketing program designed to capture higher sales prices for heifers sired by 6K Registered Brangus Bulls. The superior genetics of 6K Bulls create powerful females when crossed with virtually any breed. That quality and value can be realized through this program.
High demand exists for these heifers. Cattlemen are willing to pay premium for quality animals of known origin and verifiable history.

How It Works:

  1. Cattleman buys 6K registered Brangus bull taking possession and full transfer of ownership
  2. 6K records that bull and owner into its database capturing the EPD’s of the bull and type of cow to service
  3. 6K provides ear tags with the IBBA registration number of the bull to Cattleman/owner at 9 months
  4. As calves arrive they are tagged with Sire’s registration number and logged.
  5. At market time Cattleman/owner provides 6K a roster of Brangus Gold heifers along with quality photos, estimated weights and ages.
  6. 6K provides market assistance including contacts, web site and advertising to generate demand for Brangus Gold Heifers
  7. 6K targets a sales price of at least $200 per head over the local market for that cattleman and markets nationally. Base line price is agreed at time of market entry based on previous week’s local market report.
  8. At time of sale owner keeps 75% of amount above local market price, 6K receives 25%
  9. If cattle are sold through another channel or traditional auction then owner takes all funds
  10. Brangus Gold is an honor program

Example of Program Benefits:

  • Local Market Price of Target Animal – $1000
  • 6K Target Price – $1250
  • Final Sale Price – $1200
  • Above Market – $200
  • Amount to owner – $150
  • Amount to 6K – $50
  • Owner amount across typical 30 heifer sale – $4,500

Target animal is 750+ lbs, body condition score of 6.0 or better, 10-14 months old. Brangus Gold is not well suited for situations requiring quick sale. Owner must be willing to show cattle to prospective buyers. 6K will inspect heifers before listing.

Why Buy 6K Bulls:

  • Cost of Bull – $3,500
  • Owner example benefit over 3 years by buying 6K Bulls versus other options and joining Brangus Gold Program – $10,000
“Over the past two years we’ve moved over 500 heifers using the Brangus Gold approach, realizing over $200 more per head than our previous practice of shipping to auction. Now I have customer calling me for my quality cattle.” Danny Wright of Danny Wright Brangus
“As a small producer every penny counts. By using the Brangus Gold approach I’ve been able to get approximately $200 more per head for my Brangus/Angus cross heifers and eliminate transportation costs and commissions” J.L. Kiser

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